Seven Seas Security (US)


Braunsberger Media developed the Squarespace website for 7 Seas Security Consulting, a firm specializing in Application and Network Penetration Testing services worldwide. The website is designed to showcase their comprehensive appsec services, from web applications and APIs to mobile applications and thick clients. A special feature of the website is an XXL Photoshop composing that visualizes the hidden dangers of security breaches through a striking image of a ship navigating deep waters, symbolizing the complexities and risks in the digital ocean.

Key Features of 7 Seas Security Consulting's Website:

  1. XXL Photoshop Composing: The homepage features a dramatic visual metaphor—a ship sailing through tumultuous waters, representing the journey organizations take through the complex seas of cybersecurity. This artistic depiction underscores the hidden dangers and challenges in securing digital environments.

  2. Detailed Service Overview: The website provides comprehensive descriptions of the various penetration testing services offered by 7 Seas Security, highlighting their expertise in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities across different platforms.

  3. Educational Content: The site includes a series of educational pieces, such as the breakdown of discovery methodologies for different vulnerabilities, reflecting the company's commitment to systemic change in how applications are secured.

  4. Contact and Interaction: Easy access to contact options ensures that potential clients can reach out with ease for consultations or further information, with clear contact details and an invitation to engage with the team.

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